If we all did 1 thing

I sat on my front porch and listened to the kids play. Unfortunately, it was playing they were doing. They were teasing. We’ve all been victim of teasing…and it always sucks. I decided that this was an oportunity to change things…but when I got up, suddenly something amazing happened. A child stopped everyone from teasing. They started pointing out the positive qualities of the child. Then they asked if the others could see positive qualities about the child. Then she pointed out the problems the other kids have…and the fact that everyone plays with peopel who have problems. Then playing resumed.

Wow!  That one child, did 1 thing…and changed everything. Did that child transform the other kids…..obviously. The kids are playing together to this day, and the teasing hasn’t began again.

I went out to give kudos to the child, whomever they were, and there standing amongst the neghborhood kids was my daughter. Wow, I guess I’ve reached one.

What if we as adults all did one thing?

If we all did 1 thing to help others everyday – an amazing transformation would take place.

If we all helped people be happier – an amazing transformation would take place.

If we all decided to help change the world – an amazing transformation would take place.

If we all chose one thing to change in our society – an amazing transformation would take place.

If we all chose to promote nonviolence – an amazing transformation would take place.

If we all chose to end relationship violence – an amazing transformation would take place.

If we all chose to stand up and speak out on domestic violence – an amazing transformation would take place.


Please help transform our world!


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